12 April 2024

Talking to Death

This is to Death:

"You bastard, you fiend!
You've laid all your shadow
Over the core of my heart

The proximal lacerations of your swings
Still sting and radiate outward and inward

The way you cling and fasten yourself
To any light lit so luminously in the dark
Disgusts me

Even you must die
Even you must destroy yourself"

– M.M.

13 March 2024

Love (Iteration 2)

To love
And be loved
Is all of my Law

– M.M.

Love (Iteration 1)

Oh, how Love can be so exquisite
So divine and so otherworldly

And yet... so nebulous...

When she walked into the room, I thought:
"How graceful she is, how accented by the light"

I walked toward her and thought to myself
What to say, what I should say to her

And nothing came to me
I thought of nothing that would stir her mind

– M.M.

20 February 2024

Depression (Iteration 12)

It is all in the dreams, my dreams
It is all in the nightmares, my nightmares

It is when you wake, when I wake
It is when you live, when I live

It is your life, my life
It is your life, my life

– M.M.

18 January 2024

"The World can wait"

Based on a real dream I had a few nights days ago

"The World can wait..."

Is what I thought after I saw her there
After we held hands

And when we talked till the Sun rose
I cared little for everything else
All else, beyond that place we were
As we held hands

We spoke to others at some point
But they I all now forget

I forget everything except
When we held hands and

I kept believing this—
This that I said, that:

"The World can wait"

– M.M.

08 January 2024

"We fought the good fight"

We fought the good fight
Fought the uncaring world; we against all
And still the world said, "No."

In our hearts we believed we were right
Right and steadfast against all
And still the world said, "No."

We had no weapons, none of bite
It was right and justice that became our call
And still the world said, "No."

It will be time and time's might
That will show that life and life alone is all
And if the world says once more, "No."

We will say far more—far more—than simply: "No."

— M.M.

14 December 2023

Extemporaneous Soliloquy of A Hungover Man

Largely written one head-pounding morning in the shower.

My friend. I see in your face the familiar lines of pain and agony. I know these lines because they have been on my face too, many a time before. For far too long. But take heart, my friend. You are a vessel sailing perilous seas. And still, you must man the helm. Stand steadfast at your ship's prow. And laugh. Laugh in the face of the oncoming and treacherous waves. For there is a morbid comedy in the slaughter. And what is more brazen than to usurp that comedy as your own? You. You, my friend, have a friend in me. The strength that I know lives in myself, lives in you too. Everyone has it. It is simply a matter of channeling and harnessing that fortitude. And remember: It is you against the world. And the world is yours!

        — M.M.

28 November 2023

A Fallen Son of Mine Own Self

O, tempestuous-hearted Son
Fallen down upon the rocky shore
Beat back from Heaven with burnt back
As Poseidon's waters lap at you

You fell from a mount that you so desired
Having careered too far and too fast t'ward the stars
Never knowing that light and life had incendiary breath
And would fire their fire upon you at will and smite you down

Once upon a time, you were the Son of the Sun
Wielding a starlit sword, a brand of prideful individualism
And could leap from pulsar to black hole at will
Ignoring the lashes or notions of society or knowledge

It was a glory barely known by the unilluminated
A revelation of utter freedom and complete release
You careered like a comet and knew no limits
O, tempest-son, you were more than most

Now you... now we... are here—upon the Earth
Fallen Sons of the Sun—burnt, seared, mere cinders—
Enwrapt in our own sorrow and our own loathing...
...And yet molding our eventual rise, our rightful Rebellion!

– M.M.

24 October 2023


Extemporaneously written at Midnight

I entered, one day, a cemetery in a place unknown
And meandered to the cusp of its yard

I saw there a magnificent statue
The Angel of Death, Azrael, cradling a child

Enwrapt with this child was
The infinity of grace and Heaven 

I then walked further and further
And entered the garden of Death itself

But it was no garden at all
It was Death's well-tended field of our mortality

I am sure that those before
Who have trod here
Have mistaken the pestilence for peace
The rot for resurrection

It was then that I no longer believed
That Death was really a release from life
But instead the sowing of our lives for Death's field of want and wont

— M.M.

18 September 2023

To the women in my life:

This missive is a bit different
A bit different because
My words impress on this paper a little softer

A little softer, but only as soft as diamonds
But are expansive; imbued with power
I began this knowing little of what my words meant

Till I did; till I knew
That how much I knew of women
Was so little
And is still very little

But to have come to know the women in my life
I've come to know—that all I know is:—
How much I admire you
How much you have taught me

Teaching me: To be a better man
And not just better, but more cognizant
Cognizant of the hideousness of our world
And to make my mind be less bent and less warped

And teaching me: The world's hideousness enveloping it
The rot of the world that must be un-enveloped:
All of its damnèd core, flesh, and hell

This is to the women in my life
Who, as soft as diamonds
Have pierced the mind of my own very old world

— M.M.